United Church Preschool
More Information
Below is some useful information for UCP families, as well as a description of our fundraising efforts. For further details on policies and procedures please refer to the UCP Parent Handbook.
Health Policy
Children must be free of fever, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, unexplained rashes, runny noses, excessive coughing, sore throat, headache, chills, earache, and red eyes for 24 hours before coming to school. Please DO NOT bring your child to school with any of these symptoms unless you provide the school with a doctor’s signed verification that your child is not contagious to others.
Children may not attend school with head lice or nits. The preschool staff reserves the right to refuse attendance to any child displaying the above symptoms and appreciates your cooperation in this matter.
School Closings
UCP follows the procedures listed below on inclement weather:
If Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public Schools are closed, UCP is closed.
If Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public Schools are on a one-hour time delay, UCP will still begin school at 9:00 am.
If Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public Schools are on a two-hour time delay, UCP will begin school at 10:00 am.
If Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public Schools release before 1:00 pm, UCP will still end school at 12:00 pm.
UCP does not make up snow days.
School Calendar
The optional Lunch Program is for 4 or 5 days a week from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm, when UCP is open. This lunch option is open to all Fish and Frog students. An additional $150 (or $120 for 4 days a week) is added on to the monthly tuition. Kids bring their own lunch and have extra outdoor play time afterwards.
As a nonprofit organization, UCP counts on several fundraising efforts to help maintain our reasonable tuition rates and make scholarship opportunities available to local Chapel Hill families in need. Thank you for supporting the school through any of the following ways:
UCP Scholarship Fund
Tax-deductible donations to this fund help local families who would not otherwise be able to afford tuition.
Make a donation to the UCP Scholarship Fund
Scholastic Books
Kids love books! Scholastic Book Club offers a wide variety of books and materials each month to help foster a lifelong love of reading. UCP receives points for free books and classroom supplies from online order proceeds. To place an order go to www.scholastic.com/bookclubs. The code for UCP is GRNQQ.
Harris Teeter
Link your Harris Teeter VIC Card to UCP (# 3168) and the preschool receives a portion of what you spend. You will need to relink your card at the beginning of each school year.