United Church Preschool
Enrollment Process and Dates
We are so happy that you are interested in United Church Preschool for your child! Please contact Anitra Grove, at (919) 338-7916 or Director@unitedchurch.org if you have any questions or would like to set up a visit!
Registration link to apply to UCP through Brightwheel​
Important Dates​
January 15th: We begin accepting applications from current families for the following school year. Tours begin in mid January, by appointment only. Applications can be submitted at anytime.
February 1st: Re-enrollment deadline for current students AND priority enrollment deadline for children of UCCH members, siblings of current students, and siblings of alumni (in that order). We will consider children with September birthdays after the priority enrollment deadline (meaning children who just miss the August 31st cut off).
February 15th: The Director will begin contacting new families to offer a place for their child!
Next Steps​
Families who accept a space for their child are required to submit the Emergency Medical Form, a copy of your child’s Immunization Record, a signed Parent Contract and a non-refundable deposit in order to be officially enrolled. The deposit is equal to one month’s tuition and is used to pay tuition for the month of May.
Waiting List
When classes are full, students will be placed on a waiting list in the order that their application was received, and the Director will contact families as spaces become available. The waiting list rolls over to the following school year so there is no need to reapply.
UCP welcomes all families regardless of race, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, ability, or spiritual tradition.